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Lightning Latch

A latch transfer enables a statecoin to be transferred only on condition of the sucessful payment of a Lightning network invoice. This is a protocol that enforces atomicity of a statecoin transfer and lightning payment - it can be used for the sale of a statecoin UTXO for an arbtrary amount of bitcoin in a private and non-custodial way without counterparty risk.

The latch transfer protocol uses the method of Hodl invoices ( where funds are locked until the payment hash pre-image is revealed. A hodl invoice can be resolved in one of two ways:

  1. The payment is complete when the recipient releases the preimage (to the payment route).
  2. The payment is canceled if the recipient does not release the preimage and the invoice expires.

Using this mechanism, a lightning network payment can be made but only completed if some condition is met - specifically if a specified statecoin transfer is made and verified. In this case the statechain entity (i.e. the mercury server) can both generate and release the payment hash pre-image on successful completion of the statecoin transfer in order to enforce atomicity. In this case the mercury server is trusted, but never has custody of any assets and never learns anything about the payment.


The statecoin server database will have 4 additional values for each statechain_id: batch_id (string), batch-time (integer), pre-image (string), locked_1 (boolen) and locked_2 (boolen). By default batch_id, batch-time are null and locked is false. The server is configured with batch-timeout parameter in seconds (in practice this will be some number of minutes to enable both parties to complete the trade). The batch-timeout must be less than the hold payment locktime, in order to prevent the lightning network payment to be double-spent within the batch time.

The transfer will then proceed as follows:

  1. There are two parties: party 1 has a statecoin they want to sell and party 2 wants to receivie it and pay an agreed price via LN.
  2. Party 1 generates a batch_id (this is just a random UUID) and shares with party 2.
  3. Party 1 calls /transfer/paymenthash with the batch_id and authenticated statechain_id for the coin. The server generates a secret preimage and stores it in the statecoin table with a new row and batch-time set as current time and locked_1 to true and locked_2 to true, and returns the paymenthash to Party 1.
  4. Party 2 generates a sc addresses that they want the UTXO sent to. This is sent to Party 1.
  5. Party 1 generates an invoice with the paymenthash and sends to Party 2. Party 2 can verify that the server has generated the pre-image to this by calling /transfer/paymenthash with the batch_id provided by Party 1.
  6. Party 1 performs /transfer/sender {statechain_id, batch_id, auth_sig, new_user_auth_key} with the batch_id paying to the party 1 new_user_auth_key (derived from their address) and then creates and uploads the encrypted transfer message.
  7. Party 2 makes the LN payment for the invoice, but cannot complete this as they don't know the pre-image.
  8. Party 1 verifies the payment is pending and calls /transfer/unlock with statechain_id and signed with their auth_key. If time is within batch-time + batch-timeout this sets the locked_1 value to false.
  9. Party 2 retrives and verifies the transfer message for the UTXO with their new_user_auth_key and calls /transfer/unlock with statechain_id and signed with their new_user_auth_key. If time is within batch-time + batch-timeout this sets the locked_2 value to false.
  10. Party 1 then calls /transfer/preimage with statechain_id and signed with their new_user_auth_key. If locked_1 and locked_2 and both false, then the preimage is returned and the LN payment can be finalised.
  11. Party 2 completes /transfer/receiver. If locked_1 and locked_2 and both false then the keyupdate is completed. If either is true then /transfer/receiver will return an error.

If both of the /transfer/unlock operations are not completed within the batch-timeout then both: 1. the LN invoice will timeout and cancel and 2. Party 1 performs another /transfer/sender and /transfer/receiver operation returning control of the coin.

The outcomes of this protocol:

All participants call /transfer/unlock within the batch-time then /transfer/receiver can be performed and the pre-image revealed.

Any participant doesn't call /transfer/unlock within the batch-time (because they have failed to verify either that the transfer message is incorrect, or the LN payment was not made correctly) then no-one can call /transfer/receiver but party 1 can call /transfer/sender again to recover the coin, and the LN payment will fail.

Calling /transfer/sender on the coin a second time will be blocked until batch-time expires.