Client API
cargo run create-wallet <wallet_name>
to create a wallet
cargo run new-token
to create a new token
cargo run new-deposit-address <wallet_name> <token> <amount>
creates a deposit address
cargo run list-statecoins <wallet_name>
shows wallet coins
cargo run new-transfer-address <wallet_name>
generates a statechain address to receive statechain coins
cargo run transfer-send <wallet_name> <statechain-id> <statechain-address>
transfers the specified statechain coin to the specified address
cargo run transfer-receive <wallet_name>
scans for new statechain transfers
cargo run withdraw <wallet_name> <statechain-id> <btc-address> <optional_fee_rate>
withdraws the statechain coin to the specified bitcoin address
cargo run broadcast-backup-transaction <wallet_name> <statechain-id> <btc-address> <optional_fee_rate>
broadcasts the backup transaction to the network